Green House Gas Accounting – Energy Management

The energy sector is the contribution of 37% of worldwide Greenhouse gas emissions. Emission of GHG is increased due to fossil fuel-based resources, lack of efficiency, and lack of knowledge. Improving energy efficiency in the industry through Energy management contributes to reducing GHG emissions and reducing energy waste. Different methods can reduce energy management and …

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The Role of Renewable Energy in Reducing GHG Emissions

Energy demand is increasing rapidly in the world due to a lot of factors like industrialization, population growth. The primary energy source that fulfils this demand is conventional energy sources such as petroleum oil and coal. With the burning of lots of fossil fuels, substantial environmental pollution happens widely in the world, and the consequences …

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Airborne Wind Energy Technology

Wind energy is one of the energy resources that is used for generating electricity under the classification of renewable energy resources. Among the traditional technologies for generating electricity from renewable energy resources, a new class of wind energy harvested method has been launched under the name of Airborne Wind Energy Systems (AWES). Under this new …

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